Announcing Development of Modern Steam White Paper Series

CSR has invested significant time and effort into creation of its "White Paper Program" with the intent of providing substantial bodies of information about the history, principles and viability of modern steam technology, advanced biofuel research and the union thereof to the general public. As 2014 begins, CSR is venturing into completion of its most in-depth white paper series yet - a detailed history of the "Development of Modern Steam." This series will focus on the history and technological developments undertaken in Europe, South America, Africa and North America.

This first paper, "André Chapelon and his Steam Locomotives" focuses on the predecessor mechanical engineers of modern steam locomotives, primarily the French locomotive designer André Chapelon. The application of fluid and thermodynamics to the steam locomotive was most successfully undertaken by Chapelon on the Paris Orleans Railway and, once nationalized, the Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (SNCF). His understanding of the "steam circuit," the utilization of advanced front end exhausts paired with large steam passages and his successful utilization of "compounding," that is using steam more than once, were as successful in theory as they were in practice.

Death of ABMA President and CEO Randy Rawson

We are deeply saddened to announce that W. Randall (Randy) Rawson, a superb friend, mentor and advocate, died on November 23 after a brief period of treatment for a recently diagnosed illness. In June, Rawson celebrated his 25th anniversary with the American Boiler Manufacturers Association (ABMA), including having served 13 years as its President and CEO.

Rawson was a major booster of the research CSR undertakes, encouraging ABMA members to support the mission of CSR through in-kind donations and he himself encouraged the Association to provide sponsorship to the Coalition.  He had a sharp sense of humor, a dry wit, and a passion for family, friends and the boiler manufacturing companies he represented.

Randy leaves his family to cherish his memory including his wife Teresa Rawson, daughter, Jamie Catherine and son William Zachary Rawson, and his dog, best friend and faithful companion Winnie.

Randy’s favorite saying was “the more people I meet, the more I love my dog.” In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to GRREAT P.O. BOX 190 Merrifield, VA 22116, for Randy’s love of Golden Retriever’s.

Randy Rawson, Wife Teresa and CSR President Davidson Ward at the 2013 ABMA Summer Convention

Randy Rawson, Wife Teresa and CSR President Davidson Ward at the 2013 ABMA Summer Convention

White Paper: Mechanical Balancing of Steam Locomotives

CSR is pleased to provide this second part of a two-part series on locomotive balancing.  This white paper provides an in-depth, yet approachable explanation of steam locomotive rail wheel dynamics.  From defining dynamic augment to explaining how a Franklin Radial Buffer helps alleviate the need for overbalance, the Mechanical Balancing of Steam Locomotives white paper provides the fundamentals of steam locomotive balancing.

This paper attempts to distill important concepts into more understandable verbiage. Beginning with defining key terms, CSR presents equations relevant to the rail wheel dynamics of steam locomotives, takes a closer look at the techniques and technology introduced to facilitate high speed operation and concludes with a discussion of how advances in materials science, physics, computing, and machine design over the last 50 years provide additional tools for the modern locomotive design engineer – tools which may just help CSR relegate dynamic augment to the history books.

New White Papers Available

The first white paper outlines exciting research CSR research collaborator, the Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI) of the University of Minnesota - Duluth, is undertaking in pursuit of converting invasive species to energy in Mauritania. Working with the non-profit  Agency to Facilitate the Growth of Rural Organizations (AFGRO), NRRI has investigated the ability of turning Typha Australis, an invasive relative of the North American cattail that is choking the Senegal River in Mauritania and Senegal, Africa, into a usable, clean cooking, heating and electricity fuel source.

In late June 2013, CSR Board Member and Director for the Center for Applied Research and Technological Development (CARTD) at NRRI, Dr. Don Fosnacht, and Peter P. Strzok of AFGRO traveled to Mauritania to meet with officials and share information about the torrefaction technologies NRRI champions.  

The second white paper is the first in a two-part series on steam locomotive rail wheel dynamics.  An outgrowth of having received a number of inquiries concerning the feasibility of a modern steam locomotive to operate efficiently and safely at higher speeds since announcing "Project 130" in May 2012. That in mind, it has decided to formulate a two-part white paper on steam locomotive speed and rail dynamics: 1.) Precedent Speed and 2.) Primer on the Mechanical Balancing of Steam Locomotives. This paper focuses on the anecodotal history of traditional steam locomotives at speed, while the next paper will provide an in-depth engineering investigation of locomotive wheel balancing and engineering.

The current interest in the Norfolk & Western Railway (N&W) J Class steam locomotive, due to the recent announcement of the Virginia Museum of Transportation's Fire Up 611 committee to investigate the feasibility of restoring locomotive 611 to operation, provides an ideal segway into a solid precedent on steam locomotives at high speed. In this white paper, the high-speed performance of the N&W Class J will be explored. While the 3460-class of locomotives, of which CSR's 3463 is a member, were well suited to running at 100+ miles per hour, it is valuable to take lessons learned from the Class J, which has 14" smaller diameter driving wheels and could attain similar operational speeds.

Photo Exhibition Heading to Topeka


The Center for Railroad Photography and ArtJohn W. Barriger III National Railroad Library and the Coalition for Sustainable Rail are happy to announce the opening of a photo exhibition at the Great Overland Station in Topeka, Kansas this Saturday, July 20.  The exhibition, "View from the Top" showcases the works of seasoned railroad executive John W. Barriger III and were taken during the 1930s and 1940s. 

Photographer John Walker Barriger III (1899-1976) ranks among the 20th century's most significant railroad leaders, having achieved high acclaim for his leadership of federal transportation agencies and private railroad enterprises. Barriger's use of photography in making decisions and prophesies was unusual, but the photographs he took of railroad infrastructure helped him pinpoint what ailed railroads, both in general and specifically. So successful was his problem-solving style from the 1920s into the 1970s that he became known as "the doctor of sick railroads."

CSR Director of Project Management Rob Mangels, a steam locomotive engineer and mechanic with years of experience operating large locomotives over main lines in the U.S., explains that "the work outlined in Barriger's photographs document a time gone by and the raw power of the steam locomotive. Our work with CSR is a new approach to the issue; pursuing the modernization of one traditional locomotive to record data from which truly modern, new-build steam locomotives can be developed."

The exhibition was prepared by the Center for Railroad Photography & Art and the John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library. The Center ( is based in Madison, Wisconsin, and works with institutions around the country to preserve and present significant images of railroading. The library, a special collection of the St. Louis Mercantile Library on the University of Missouri-St. Louis campus, stands today as one of North America's largest and finest railroad history collections.

Locomotive 3463 Prepped to Roll

Towards the end of June, CSR completed a successful trip to Topeka to prepare locomotive 3463 for its first big trip in 57 years.   In just a few day's time, the crew drained and inspected all of the locomotive's roller bearing axles and refilled the boxes with new oil.  Following that work, the crew removed key side rods, inspected all of the running gear and cleaned / re-lubricated all necessary parts.

A detailed description of that work performed can be found at this link or by clicking the image at right.  

CSR is in discussions with appropriate parties concerning the move of 3463 out of the Kansas Expocentre Grounds.

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